It was a typical Jessie Jekyll and Hyde (or as Dan has come to refer to it, Jessyll and Hyde) 24 hours: Failure to demonstrate even a modicum of mature behaviour (resulting in Dan and I throwing our hands up in the air and wondering if she would ever have the wherewithal to get to even a bus stop without mishap), followed by brilliant execution of complex social, leadership, and performance skills matched only by the high degree of praise from adoring public.
Okay. Not quite like that. But almost. And typical of many of our days with Jessie as she moves to separate from us—one of the key tasks (along with independence, accountability, and responsibility) for anyone moving into adulthood.
This is how it goes (or went): Friday Jessie and I were both at home because it was a freezing rain danger day (too dangerous to get to work at the Food Bank for her). But we each had completely different agendas. I, practical Mom, thought she could get the pile of writing, laundry, accounting, and organization that had accumulated done, while I finished up a contract. Her plan was to google her day away, every now and then telling me what I needed to do, immediately, to help her achieve her goals—which included, but was not limited to, making sure she could move out by March, starting an inclusive post-secondary program, driving her to a friend’s house, and dropping whatever I might be working on to help her fix her computer and then shooing me away with nary a nod of thanks. If I didn’t respond immediately, she stood by me at my computer whinging away until I either gave in or snapped.
The trend continued well into the evening, where she even alienated Dan, who, usually very difficult to nudge over onto the dark side, intimated that she was acting like a [insert rude noun used for someone who is acting selfish, thoughtless, and insolent here]. She, of course, stomped up to her room, leaving her kitchen-cleaning duty undone, and vented her anger by trolling the internet until it was way past midnight, every now and then yelling (when she thought she heard footsteps on the stairs) LEAVE ME ALONE, and, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAY, and YOU CAN’T MAKE ME GO TO BED. Or, if she didn’t actually yell those things, she emitted some strange psychic energy force that was just as effective and conveyed the exact same meaning.
I, having been undone, went to bed and pulled the covers up over my head. It was no surprise that I found Dan cowering there too. We decided that the natural consequences—being tired for teaching in the morning, maybe even sleeping in and missing the drive to the class and missing teaching—would be much better than anything we could invent. But, I have to admit, I was mightily pissed that I had raised a daughter so careless of her charges (the children she was teaching in the morning) and her responsibilities (printing out the lesson plan, packing up so she would have everything she needed in the morning.) As well, I had invited a renowned blogger, leader, speaker, teacher, and advocate whom I admire (and who was in town for the day) to bring his young niece Ruby, to the class. So, I had a bit more invested than usual.
When we woke in the morning, I gave Dan strict instructions NOT to wake Jessie. It was up to her to get up and be ready to teach. She needed to take full charge of her life (or be hoisted by her own petard). Frankly, I was hoping for the hoisting option, as she rarely suffers consequences, somehow blessed randomly and frequently by the universe.
I was trumped again, as Jessie rose while I was meditating and got herself fed, dressed, and packed before I emerged from my basement lair. “Wow! Great job Jess!” I praised her, while raising my eyebrows at Dan and secretly cussing. Well, she was sure to be tired in class, and maybe then someone would speak to her about her performance, and maybe THEN she would learn that she needed to go to bed at a decent hour and every now and then LISTEN TO HER PARENTS.
Well, she did get spoken to about her performance, only it was a potful of praise generously piled on by Dave Hingsburger, who wanted to mention Jessie in his next blog about Ruby and the kids’ Propeller class. According to Dave, Jessie was welcoming, attentive, sensitive, and a great teacher. According to Ximena (one of the other teachers and a brilliant mentor to Jessie) she was full of energy and very focused; according to Liz (another teaching mentor and performer), she made great headway on the piece she is helping choreograph for the children’s show. So you see, I tried my best to find some gaps in her performance of her duties, but was bested by reality.
That, my dears, is a typical episode in our journey to independence. You’d think I might have discovered by now how to just let go and enjoy the ride, but I am a very slow learner, white knuckling my way along a path that I have very little immediate control over.
And that, I am beginning to learn, is how it is meant to be.
World Down Syndrome Day - Answering Your Questions
Thank you for your comments on my last post. I'm happy to answer your
questions. Leslie from Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After asked "How
and when di...
5 days ago