Jessie had three-quarters of an hour when she got home from working at the food bank to eat lunch, pack up, and head off to catch the bus for her cooking class at the community health centre. She made and ate her lunch, and then had a brilliant Jessie-inspired idea for a costume to wear to the class. What defines a Jessie-inspired idea is that it explodes at the last (if not past the last) possible minute for it to be do-able.
My first inkling of this brilliant idea was when she almost knocked me out of my desk chair as she grabbed the good scissors, and then left me in a cold freezing draft as she forgot to close the door after rooting through the recycling box for cans and containers.
“It’s a great idea!” she exclaimed. “I am going to wear old plastic shopping bags (we do have a very few of those left) and attach cans and things.”
At this point Jessie is due to leave in exactly 1 minute to get to the bus on time. And she still has to pack a container to bring home what they cook, find a loonie ($1 coin) to defray a minor portion of the costs, and review the bus and walking route to get to the class
“Great,” I say. “Good for you!” (See upcoming post on mantras.)
She is excited. She is late. She looks like this:
If you can’t see it, the message (because Jessie always has a message!) reads:
If I had a smart phone I would send the picture to her cooking class instructor right now with the header: Why I Am Late.
But I am not sure how well it will work for my client who is waiting for my final edit on their food safety report.
World Down Syndrome Day - Answering Your Questions
Thank you for your comments on my last post. I'm happy to answer your
questions. Leslie from Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After asked "How
and when di...
5 days ago