Monday, December 10, 2012

This Weekend's Lovely Madness, in pictures

The season had begun . . . first with a computer crash, then deadlines, then a celebratory weekend rushing from one event to another and all I can say is that it was fun! While I am up still working, Jessie crashed a while ago after a weekend that started with her first community feast with the LiveWorkPlay community on Friday . . .  where she brought DB and ran into many friends and aquaintances:

. . .  to a full day with Propeller Dance at their community day featuring performances by all the community groups, the children's classes, the new youth class, and a preview of the new work (in progress) that the performing group is working on. Propeller is an amazing organization, and community day fills performers and audience alike with joy and delight ... I hope my photos capture even a small part of that:

. . .  to an evening writing songs with Lyrics Lady:

. . . to a Sunday afternoon singing at a L'Arche community event to an evening potluck followed by the annual RG {Grays} carolling extravaganza, to raise money, I believe this time for Dominican projects in Kigali :

potluck, rule of one applied! CG host rushing in background!

RG leading practice.

Benedeta's first carolling experience!
to, finally, sleep. More words tomorrow.
But also know, the Rule of One was used successfully, mostly, all weekend! Hooray!


Anonymous said...

It's all about a dialogue of "possibilities" at LiveWorkPlay and reading this blog you can see how Jessie and family are so aligned with that. It's not about disprespecting that sometimes people with disabilities want to spend time together by choice, it's about saying that this should not be the ONLY choice, and that what anyone without a disability can do in the community is available to be enjoyed without barriers.

Adelaide Dupont said...

Lovely madness, indeed!

Best wishes for the people in Kigali.

Had wondered about your involvement in L'Arche since the Unreasonable Canadians (Jean Vanier).