Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jessie Flips: About Her Creative Side

Jessie's latest Flip, about how important the arts are to her.

Links for the organizations she is talking about: Propeller, Ottawa School of Speech and Drama, and H'Art of Ottawa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessie, thank you for sharing why the arts are so important. I agree with you very much. I've always loved art (I've never done drama or dance, but I have dabbled in graphic design and acrylic painting -- I've recently discovered furniture building.) and art does help to bring our inner spirits.

Can I share your video on my blog and with my friends on Facebook? The reason I ask is that your message is important. I have a number of friends who have children of different abilities, and I think your message would have a very positive impact on them. Please let me know...

Lianna Koerner